The Onshelf Item Wizard is used to create a list of the available items in your library that are needed to fulfill hold requests. This wizard is located in the Circulation Module within the Common Tasks Wizard Group. Once the list is generated, there are many ways to sort, manipulate and print the list. This document will explore different options for sorting and printing the Onshelf Items List.
Option One- This is the most basic option with very little manipulation.
- Click the Onshelf Items Wizard.
- Wait for your list to load. The time varies based on the size of the report and if other reports are running on the system. To let you know that it is compiling, Onshelf Items stays underlined until your list comes up.
- When complete, the list will display in the workspace. When the list is returned, it will be sorted by call number.
- On your Menu Bar, click File —< Print. This will print the list on 8 1/2 x 11 in. paper. The font and font size are configured by the preferences set in WorkFlows. For example, using portrait orientation, Verdana size 11 font will result in 7-9 titles printing on a page.
Option Two" Printing the list using Option Two results in more titles printed per page.
- Click the Onshelf Items Wizard.
- Wait for your list to load. The time varies based on the size of the report and if other reports are running on the system. To let you know that it is compiling, Onshelf Items stays underlined until your list comes up.
- When complete, the list will display in the workspace. When the list is returned, it will be sorted by call number.
- On your Menu Bar, click File—< Print Screen. This will cause the list to open within an internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer)
- Note: you must have a browser application configured in the File—< Print Setup—< Application to dump screen: settings. If there is not a browser selected, use the gadget and navigate to your favorite browser (e.g. Internet Explorer is C:\%program files%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe)
- On the browser Menu Bar, click File—< Print. Your list will now print. Using this method usually allows for more titles(8-15) per page.
Option Three: Option Three allows you to copy portions or the entire list and paste into a Word document. It also allows you to re-order the columns and sort by both Current Location and Call Number within WorkFlows or in Microsoft Word. This option works very well because it pastes as a table and you can manipulate the columns after pasting it into the Word document. Option Three also gives you the opportunity to print one or more sections at a time.
- Click the Onshelf Items Wizard.
- Wait for your list to load. The time varies based on the size of the report and if other reports are running on the system. To let you know that it is compiling, Onshelf Items stays underlined until your list comes up.
- When complete, the list will display in the workspace. When the list is returned, it will be sorted by call number.
- At this point, you have the options to re-order, sort, or widen the columns.
- To display the columns in a different order, click on the column name and drag the column left or right to the desired position.
- To alphabetically sort the data within the column, click on the column name. Note: When the list is first returned, it will be alphabetically sorted by call number. If you then click the Current Location column name, the list will be sorted by Current Location and Call Number. As you can see in the example below, the columns were moved. Current Location was moved to the left. The Current location was sorted alphabetically while retaining the Call Number sort.
- To change the width of a column, hover your cursor over the column divider until it changes to the double arrow. Click and drag the divider to the left or right to change the width of the column.
- At this point, if you were to attempt to print the list using WorkFlows File Print or File Print Screen, the changes you just made would not be reflected in your printed list. In Option Three, you must highlight and copy the list. Then, paste it into a Word document before printing. You can highlight the entire list or just choose certain sections.
- To highlight the entire list, click and drag your cursor across the list or highlight one title and click CTRL + A
- To copy the highlighted text, either click on Edit—< Copy in the Menu Bar or on your keyboard press CTRL + C
- Open a blank Word document and paste the list. You can then click File—< Print. Search for your items. Open the Trap Holds Wizard and scan them to trap the holds.
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