Beginning Spring 2025, all manager accounts be tied to a specific user (named user account) instead of a general manager account. Once these accounts are created, PIN/Password requirements will be implemented.
Cataloging/Technical Service logins will be moved to named user accounts in Spring 2025. These accounts will also have PIN/Password requirements.
In Q1 2025, Circulation accounts will have PIN/Password requirements.
Staff WorkFlows Logins
Manager & Technical Services Accounts
- Must be between 6 to 12 characters
- Must contain at least 1 upper case letter
- Must contain at least 1 lower case letter
- Needs to be changed every 365 days
Circulation Accounts
- Must be between 6 to 12 characters
- Must contain at least 1 upper case letter
- Must contain at least 1 lower case letter
- Needs to be changed every 90 days
Patron (User) Accounts
- Must be at least 4 characters
Patron (User) PINs/passwords never expire