The Item Group Editor wizard (IGE) is available within a WorkFlows Tech or Manager login. It will let you make edits to a group of items simultaneously.
For the Advanced Search option, make sure the Advanced button is bulleted. This should be the default when the wizard is opened.
Use the gadget to choose your library from the list. More than one library can be chosen, example Main library and branch locations.
After clicking on the gadget, find your library(s) in the list on the left. Use the arrow to move it over to the List Selected side. Double clicking on the library will also move it over.
** Within any gadget in IGE, you will always need to move your selection from the left column over to the right column**
Continue making any selections to be considered in the search. When finished, click on the Search button.
The results of the search will display in the Results List.
It will show how many records were found and how many are displaying. You may need to use the arrow to show more results.
Note: Any column can be sorted by clicking on the column title. Double arrows will show if the column has been sorted.
The items to be edited must be moved down to the Item List area before edits can be made to them. There are two helpers that will move the results down.
The Add All Helper will move all the items displaying in the Result List down to the Item List. If there is more than one page of results, the same will need done for each page of results.
The Add Selected Helper will move the item(s) down that have been selected.
Once the Item List is completed, click on the Edit Items button.
Use the dropdown arrow in the line to select the change. More than one field can be chosen to edit. When done click on the Edit Items button.
Once the changes have been made the Status will show as Modified. Click on the Close button.
***WorkFlows will not let you edit any other library's items unless they are in your library group***