When a hold is placed, Symphony looks for available copies within the consortium. It considers available copies in the following order:
- Pickup Library;
- Libraries within the same system as Pickup Library;
- Libraries within the same delivery hub as the Pickup Library; and
- All other SEO locations.
If multiple libraries own a copy within these steps, the copy is selected at random.
If no copies are available, the user is put into a hold queue. When an item is checked in and there is a hold queue, Symphony:
- Fills holds with an item belonging to the same library system as the user.
If there are no holds for the owning library system, Symphony: - Fills holds by date placed.
Note about holds placed through Enterprise
If a hold is placed through Enterprise and the owning library system owns it, the hold is placed at the GROUP range. This ensures the hold will not be filled by another library when checking in items. The hold remains at the GROUP range for two days unless filled by the owning library system.