Bills can be created automatically or created manually. The Billing a User wizard guides you through the process of manually issuing a bill to a user.
To create a bill
1. In the Circulation Module, open the Billing a User wizard.
2. Scan the user's barcode or use the User Search helper to search for the user.
3. Enter Item & Bill Information:
A. In the Reason for Bill list, select a bill reason specified by your library’s Bill Reason policies.
B. In the Amount box, type an amount (for example, $1.75 or $.50).
C. In the Item ID box, scan the item ID if the bill is associated with an item.
E. In the Note box, type a note for the bill record, if desired.
F. In the Payment Type list, select the payment type, if needed. The items in the Payment Type list are based on the Payment Type policies defined by your library.
4. Click Pay Now to pay the bill in full now, or click Bill User to pay the bill later.
At the end of this transaction, select one of these options:
• Bill Another User to continue.
• Close to exit this wizard