Newer versions of Symphony Receipt Printer should install over previous versions without the need to run the uninstaller.
Install Symphony Receipt Printer
Download and run the proper version (EPSON or STAR) of Symphony Receipt Printer here:
- Symphony Receipt Printer Software (Epson)1.2.0
- Symphony Receipt Printer Software (Epson) 1.3.0
- Symphony Receipt Printer Software (Star)
On the "Choose Components" screen in the installer you have the following options which are selected by default.
- Create Printer: Creates the Symphony Receipt Printer that is necessary for the program to work. If upgrading the printer does not need to be re-installed
- Install Agencies File: Installs the Serving Every Ohioan Consortium list of agencies for use with the transit slips.
- Startup Shortcut: Places the Symphony Receipt Printer software in the startup folder, so it does not need to be manually started.
When finished installing, there will be an option to view this manual and to configure the Symphony Receipt Printer options in the Settings Utility. Choose to Configure Symphony Receipt Printer.
Settings Utility
Symphony Receipt Printer installs a Settings Utility that allows one to change receipt options. After making changes to settings, be sure to click Save. If the Symphony Receipt Printer is running, be sure to Reload Configuration by right-clicking on the Symphony Receipt Printer icon in the system tray and choosing "reload configuration". This utility can be started by going to Start --> All Programs --> Symphony Receipt Printer --> Settings Utility.
The Settings Utility allows you to configure Hold, Transit, Checkout, and Payment Slips.
General Options
The General options tab is where you select your destination printer, configure messages, and choose where your Agency file's path is.
Messages (Checkout Slips only)
- If using a Message file, include -->Message1<-- or -->Message2<-- in the header or footer of the checkout receipt. The message file must be saved as a .txt file such as in Notepad.
Agencies File
Please refer to for complete instructions
Holds Slips
- Last Name Size: Changes the text size of the last name on Hold Slips
- First + Middle Name Size: Changes the text size of the First and Middle Names on Hold Slips
- More Readable Phone #: If the user’s phone number is printed on the hold slip, the phone number will be printed in Double size font.
- Mask User ID If the User ID: is printed on the hold slip, the number will be masked as not to display the full user ID.
- Additional White Space Bottom: Adds up to 5 extra blank lines at the bottom of the hold slips.
Hold Wrappers
Hold wrappers are an alternative to hold slips. They will only display partial information about user. Hold wrappers are mainly used in libraries that offer self-service hold pickup.
Use Hold Wrappers Instead of Hold Slips: By checking this option, hold wrappers will be used instead of Hold Slips.
Last Name Length
- 0 No part of the last name will be displayed
- 1-9: Displays the selected amount of characters in the user’s last name.
- Full: Displays the complete last name
Separator (last name)
- None – Creates no separator between the last and first name
- New Line – The last and first names will be printed on separate lines
- Hyphen – A hyphen (-) will separate the last and first names
First Name Length
- 0: No part of the first name will be displayed
- 1-9: Displays the selected amount of characters in the user’s first name.
- Full: Displays the complete first name
Separator (first name)
- None – Creates no separator between the first name and user ID.
- New Line – The first name and user ID will be printed on separate lines
- Hyphen – A hyphen (-) will separate the first name and User ID
User ID Length
- 0: No part of the User ID will be displayed
- 1-14: displays the selected amount of digits from the User ID starting with the last digit.
White Space Top & White Space Bottom
- 0 to 10: Adds extra white space to the top and or bottom of hold wrappers.
Display Pickup by date
- If this option is checked, the “Pickup By” date will be displayed below the user’s information.
Shared Settings
Show Hold Date
- Allows the user to add the date the item was held on to the top of the hold receipt.
- Values: None | Right (default) | left | Left
+ Days
- Adds up to 14 days to hold date being displayed. Default is 7.
- Changes the format of the Hold Date.
- Values: MM/DD | MM/DD/YYYY
Transit Slips
Slip Options
- Additional White Space Bottom: Add up to 5 extra spaces to the end of transit slips.
- MiniSlip White Space Bottom: If using the Minislip mode (see below), an up to an additional 5 spaces can be added to the bottom of the mini slip.
Agency Slip Modes
Each library can have a different type of slip printed for that library. By clicking on Adjust Agency
- Slip Modes button the type of slip printed for a particular library can be adjusted to one of five different slips.
- Full Slips: Slips with be printed as set up in Symphony with the Route and Library Name information on top of the slip.
- Full Slips without User Name: If the user name is displayed on the slip, this option will remove the user name. This option is handy if you don't want a user name printed on some slips, but do want it printed on slips for certain libraries.
- Full Slips with Name on Top: The user name will be printed in double size font above the route information.
- Mini Slips: Only the Route will be printed on the transit slip in double size font. All other information will not be printed.
- No Slips: No slip will be printed for this agency.
Checkout & Payment Slips 
WorkFlows Requirement
- The first line of the header on slips must begin with the initial word of Checkout. Case does not matter.
- The footer of checkout slips must contain: -->End of Slip<--
- Case does matter.
- This line will not print on the receipt. It allows the Symphony Receipt Printer program know where the end of the receipt is. If manually tearing receipts, this line is NOT necessary.
- NOTE: Unlike previous versions of Symphony Receipt Printer -->End of Slip<-- only has to be added to the checkout slip. It does not have to be added to any other slips.
Payment Slip Options
- Prompt for Payment Slips: After paying a bill, a prompt will be displayed asking if you want to print a payment slip.
- Mask User ID: If the user ID is printed on Payment slips, this option will print only the specified number of digits.
- Example: The User ID is 24248000123456. If "Leave 6 digits" is chosen, the receipt will display: ********123456 as the User ID.
Checkout Slip Options
- Mask User ID: If the user ID is printed on Checkout slips, this option will leave only the specified number of digits showing.
- Example: The User ID is 24248000123456. If "Leave 5 digits" is chosen, the receipt will display: *********23456 as the User ID.
- Enhance Due Date: Off: Due dates will print normally Large: Due dates will be printed in double font and the due time will be removed.
- Bold: Due dates will be printed in bold font and the due time will be removed.
- Separator: Adds a line of Hyphens, Asterisks, or Underscores after the due date.
- Add a Space After Separator: This options will add a blank line after the separator or due date, if no separator is chosen.
- White Space Bottom: Adds up to 5 blank lines to the bottom of checkout slips.
Renewal Slip Options
If using the Renew User Items or Renew Item in Symphony, a prompt will be displayed asking whether or not a renewal slip should be printed.
Symphony WorkFlows Setup
In order for Symphony Receipt Printer to work, Symphony Workflows will need to be configured correctly.
- In WorkFlows, Go to Preference -> Peripherals -> Receipt Printer
- Change the receipt printer to "Symphony Receipt Printer"
- Select "No builtin raster driver"
- Click OK
Start the Symphony Receipt Printer software.
The software can be started by going to Start --> All Programs --> Symphony Receipt Printer --> Symphony Receipt Printer and simply clicking on this application. You will see it running in the system tray.