The Item Group Editor wizard (IGE) is available within a WorkFlows Tech or Manager login.
To find a group that has been created open the Item Group Editor wizard:
Click on the Item Group Search Helper.
A Group Search window will open.
If all your groups have been created with your library code, which we highly recommend, enter your library code in the Group ID field.
Click on the Search button. It will bring back all the groups with your code.
If your groups do not have your library code in the Group ID select your library in the Library field.
Click on the Search button. It will bring back all the groups created by your library.
Once the list of groups is returned, the list can be sorted by clicking on any Column name. Two little double arrows will appear when a Column is sorted.
Click on the group to be modified, then click on the Manage Group button.
Click on the Edit Items button to make any changes.
Click on the Remove Group button to remove the group.