A common error on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 machines when viewing reports is "The specified path was not found". This occurs when the path to the word processing application to view reports is not accurate and does not exist.
If you receive the following error when viewing reports, you need to modify your report session path:

Procedure to fix this error:
- Launch WorkFlows and go to the Reports tab, then Report Session (***it must be in the Report Session wizard. Make sure the active tab/wizard says "Set Session Settings"***)
- Click the gadget button to launch Windows/File Explorer allowing you to navigate to your desired application
- The default path for wordpad.exe in 7, 8.1, and 10 is C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe, but we suggest navigating to the application via the gadget.
- Once the new default path is set, go ahead and close WorkFlows and you will be prompted if you want to save these settings and choose Yes to ensure the next time you launch WorkFlows your setting remains